Let us know what you'd like to see in Everbreed...
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This area is specifically for Everbreed features and improvements. If you have a customer support request, please visit our Support Portal.
Adding a Birth Certificate Option
I have been constantly trying to figure out how to retrieve a Birth Certificate for my purchased bunnies through Everbreed. I’m finding myself confused as to why ...
Other species / livestock breeds!
I love Everbreed so much for managing my rabbits and can't find a single program I like as well for the chickens, goats, horses etc.
Sample photos for rabbit colours
For those of us using Everbreed who are either really new or who do not have the ability or time to learn all the AA's and TT's of genetics having a photo or even a ...
Order birth date menu by date sending
On the dashboard, when clicking Birth, can the listing of births to record be ordered by date in ascending order. Currently it is a random order and dates are mixed ...
Add Genotype of Rabbit from Litter Option
When selling a rabbit from a Litter, the genotype is not available to fill in for the pedigree. When viewing the generated pedigree of the rabbit from a litter, the ...
List State location on Marketplace front page listing
It would be nice to have at least the State listed on the marketplace to know if the rabbit would be in my area that I could travel.
Profile customization
Desktop\Mobile app - the ability to choose which fields are displayed by default. As a meat farmer I don't need nor track the Reg #, Champ # Legs info for example.
Instant entering of Pedigree
Make it where you can take a photo of pedigree and it enters info automatically from the picture. So you don’t have to enter each one. It auto populates for you from ...
Add evaluation option
I want to be able to leave a county fair and tick boxes of common rabbit issues or structure seen. Shoulders to narrow, to wide, just right. I want it fast as judge ...
allow filtering in marketplace, make location mandatory and searchable.
the filter in marketplace is not working, if i type something in, say 'mini lop' it will only allow me to see the first page, when i click on the 2 page, it goes to ...
"Notes" section pinned to the sidebar/menu separate from breeder notes
I'd love to have a notes section not attached to specific breeders on the sidebar/menu where I can make little notes to myself (like which tattoo number I left off on ...
Ability to remove or update the task schedule screen from Dashboard
Would it be possible to allow changes to the width of the task schedule screen. Some of my tasks descriptions are not showing because of the litter name. Examples, ...
Make the year on Calendar easier to change
When I'm typing out a ped it takes a long time to get back to 2018 and other years. It would work better if it was a drop down for year at least in pedigreed area.