Ability to edit Breed Chains without Causing Missed Breeding
I've had it come up that I've scheduled a breeding that for whatever reason didn't take place, and you aren't currently able to edit that, or delete it without seemingly causing it to register as a failed or missed breeding throwing off the breeder stats as well as creating extraneous tasks that pertained to it. It would be extremely helpful to be able to delete the record entirely, not have it be recorded as lost, missed, or litter death.
Comments: 6
22 Nov, '21
Nora HBYes. tasks is difficult to navigate for breedings that would occur several days in a row. If the data could be copied or deleted for each day that was necessary. Ie attempted to bred 5 does today, yet only 3 were covered. Would like to repeat again tomorrow.
23 Nov, '21
Everbreed Admin AdminWe're working on this and should have it ready within the next few weeks. However, as we revamp the Tasks system, we're considering another solution here. Let us know what you think of this idea:
- In Settings, when creating a task template (breed chain), you can make it either a breeder template or a litter template.
- When breeding, you would choose a breeder template, which has all tasks up to the birth.
- Once the birth occurs, you would choose the litter template, which has all the tasks for taking care of the litter.
This way, if the birth was missed, there would be no tasks to move. Does this sound like a better solution, or would you prefer to have all the tasks laid out from the beginning even if the dates need to be moved? -
30 Nov, '21
AndreaWhile that option would help eliminate some tasks pertaining to the care of the litter, it doesn’t help the initial task and the ones immediately following. For example, I had scheduled 3 of my does to breed with a certain buck. That particular buck died and I wanted to use a different buck. In the tasks, if you just simply delete the breeding of the doe/deceased buck, all the other tasks pertaining to that are still listed.
I had one buck not ready to breed when I thought he would. I had already listed this buck in the breeding. It would be nice to just be able to hit edit and switch out buck or to delete and have everything pertaining to that breeding deleted.
Because of the deceased buck and the young buck, I had to mark almost 7 doe misses because they were listed in the birth section and the does were still showing bred -
30 Nov, '21
Hutch Admin AdminThanks for your thoughts, Andrea. You can already change the buck on a breed plan or delete all tasks in a plan from the Schedule -> Plans page. We'll make this more clear in the new design, but the functionality there will be similar. You can also delete individual tasks from the schedule page or dashboard if not needed.
08 Mar, '22
Everbreed Admin AdminWith the new Task System updates, you can now easily update all tasks in a breed plan if the breed date changes. Changing the initial date will move the dates of all other tasks in the plan, accordingly. We've also split breed chains into Breeder Task Templates and Litter Task Templates, so that the events for the litter aren't created until the litter is actually born.
See details here:
and here:
In the coming weeks, we are also releasing an update to make the task types more clear, and to allow you to schedule a breed task ONLY without having to create the rest of the tasks in the task template, until the breeding actually occurs. This should keep your calendar more clean as well and should be more clear and easy to use. -
08 Mar, '22
Everbreed Admin Admin"Chains / Plans for Litters not only breeders" (suggested by Hercus on 2021-11-05), including upvotes (3) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.