Let us know what you'd like to see in Everbreed...

Enter your ideas here, and vote for suggestions that other Everbreed members have made. Please be sure to add the reason why you need the feature, and if you can give an example of why you need it, all the better. This area is specifically for Everbreed features and improvements. If you have a customer support request, please visit our Support Portal.

Improve Schedule / Task System

Earlier this year, we added the "Calendar" view to tasks, but we feel the task list itself still needs improvement. So we're working on a new task system that gives a ...
Suggested by: Hutch Admin (18 Dec, '20) Upvoted: 24 Oct, '24 Comments: 33
Done Schedule

Ability to edit Breed Chains without Causing Missed Breeding

I've had it come up that I've scheduled a breeding that for whatever reason didn't take place, and you aren't currently able to edit that, or delete it without ...
Suggested by: Melanie Hamilton (30 Dec, '20) Upvoted: 12 Apr, '23 Comments: 6
Done Schedule

In-app Notifications for tasks like Nestbox

I need my phone to make noise and actually send me notifications on days I need to give nesting boxes instead of me chronically having to check
Suggested by: Allison Beard (13 Jan, '21) Upvoted: 27 Jun, '21 Comments: 1

Improve breed chain logic for when does don't take

I palpate my does to see if they took around 2 weeks. If a doe doesn't take, I rebreed her then. My issue is when I've considered a doe "bred" but she didn't take, ...
Suggested by: Sophus (06 Apr, '22) Upvoted: 12 Aug, '23 Comments: 1

Add Grooming as a Task and Wool Weight

Angoras need to be groomed every 90 days
Suggested by: Jessica Reeves (09 Jul, '22) Upvoted: 15 Jun, '24 Comments: 2
Under consideration Breeders Notifications Schedule

Remove mandatory weight task when editing a breeding chain

In breeding chain schedule options, have the ability to remove the weigh ins an option when personalizing
Suggested by: Madison Hargreaves (29 Jun, '21) Upvoted: 19 Dec, '21 Comments: 2
Done Schedule

what buck did i breed my doe to

Would be great if on the task for breeding it would show what buck the doe was bred to. Once u complete task and archive it it hard to figure it out again…
Suggested by: Christa ready (19 Jan, '22) Upvoted: 17 Aug, '22 Comments: 5
Done Schedule

Show whether a doe has been bred on breeders list

I would like there to be an option to be displayed on the breeder list whether the doe has been bred or show the bred date
Suggested by: April (29 Oct, '23) Upvoted: 12 Apr, '24 Comments: 0
Under consideration Breeders Schedule

Set default value of "Show Rows" drop down

It would be really useful to be able to set a default number of rows to dislay in each of the "Breeders", "Litters" and Schedule" screens. The current default setting ...
Suggested by: Anton (01 Apr, '22) Upvoted: 29 Mar, '24 Comments: 0
Under consideration Breeders Litters Schedule


Make the calendar printable so we can have a print out of it and all the task that are on that month.
Suggested by: Sarah (15 Sep, '22) Upvoted: 18 Mar, '24 Comments: 0
Under consideration Breeders Community Schedule

Make Breed Chains with "birth + x days" function

I'd love to see breed chains that have the function of adding a task X number of days after birth (auto adjusted so that once the birth occurs, the task date adjusts ...
Suggested by: Samantha (06 May, '22) Upvoted: 10 Jul, '22 Comments: 1
Under consideration Breeders Schedule

Remove litter tasks after kits are all marked as dead

Currently it appears that all tasks related to a litter (weigh 1, 2 etc,butcher) remain in the task schedule even after a whole litter is marked dead. It would be ...
Suggested by: Sheena (05 Mar, '22) Upvoted: 28 Apr, '22 Comments: 1
Done Schedule

Ability to remove or update the task schedule screen from Dashboard

Would it be possible to allow changes to the width of the task schedule screen. Some of my tasks descriptions are not showing because of the litter name. Examples, ...
Suggested by: Still Waters Rabbitry (28 Jan, '22) Upvoted: 06 Mar, '22 Comments: 1

Add German Angoras

German Angoras are registered with the IAGARB and should be included in the breed options.
Suggested by: Jessica Reeves (09 Jul, '22) Upvoted: 23 Jul, '22 Comments: 0
Under consideration Breeders Notifications Schedule

Task list completed tasks won't go away in App

My task list completed tasks don't have a way to archive or get then off the task screen once completed in the app. Can you also please return the swipe function ...
Suggested by: Samantha (26 Apr, '22) Upvoted: 27 May, '22 Comments: 0

Confirmation Button

A confirmation button that warns of duplicate tasks whether from user error or reload duplicity. I seem to always end up with several breeding plans or breeding tasks ...
Suggested by: Ashley (27 May, '22) Upvoted: 27 May, '22 Comments: 1
Done Schedule

Birthdays on Schedule/Calendar

Would be cool to get a reminder of a rabbits birthday. Should show rabbits birthdays on the calendar/schedule. and maybe have the ability to toggle this on and off ...
Suggested by: Steve (21 Aug, '24) Upvoted: 21 Aug, '24 Comments: 0

add feature to do preventative treatments and to treat whole herd.

I do a bi-yearly preventative coccidia treatment and it would be great to be notified when that needs to begin/end. but currently I have to enter an ailment, and a ...
Suggested by: Alivia block (29 Mar, '24) Upvoted: 29 Mar, '24 Comments: 0
Under consideration Breeders Schedule