Populate Show Entry Forms by Selecting a Breeder
To be able to easily select animals from your breeder list to populate a show entry form.
Comments: 5
18 Oct, '21
Clare ShawThis would be extremely helpful. I actually use Everbreed for my rabbitry management software- but I did have to purchase a second software for the sole purpose of generating show entry forms. This would be an excellent addition to Everbreed.
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29 Apr, '22
StephanieYes! Especially if I can type the date of the show and it will tell me the rabbit's age on the date of the show.
07 Jun, '22
Wendy Robinette MergedWould love to be able to fill out my show entry forms and record legs won.
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20 Jun, '22
Everbreed Admin Admin"Show Entries and Records" (suggested by Wendy Robinette on 2022-06-07), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
15 May, '23
AYes! I have been disappointed in the show record-keeping portion of Everbreed. It's not at all what I was expecting based on the advertisements I've seen for Everbreed.