Let us know what you'd like to see in Everbreed...
Enter your ideas here, and vote for suggestions that other Everbreed members have made.
Please be sure to add the reason why you need the feature, and if you can give an example of why you need it, all the better.
This area is specifically for Everbreed features and improvements. If you have a customer support request, please visit our Support Portal.
Line breeding feature
Add feature to indicate how closely related rabbit are when line breeding may like the genetic prediction
Health Record Function
Add a health record function per rabbit that can track ailments, treatments, medications, etc. Also provide ledger to view overall health of the herd.
Adding a Birth Certificate Option
I have been constantly trying to figure out how to retrieve a Birth Certificate for my purchased bunnies through Everbreed. I’m finding myself confused as to why ...
Populate Show Entry Forms by Selecting a Breeder
To be able to easily select animals from your breeder list to populate a show entry form.
Using stud buck (See comments - already possible)
Would like to be able to add a breeding to a buck i dont own.
Notifications for when a breeder becomes breeding age
would be nice to have a feature that shows which young rabbits are coming to breeding age to better plan my breedings
New Gene Additions (P, Si)
I'd love for there to be a place to record the P (Lutino) gene. It seems like others would benefit from having the Si (I know this may be hard because it is not fully ...
Ability to edit rabbits that are Culled/Sold/Died without "unselling/unculling" them
I'd like to be able to still edit rabbits that are dead/culled/sold. There's times I like to update genotypes still based on offspring born after a buck died for ...
Improve Breeder List Design
Our current Breeder list could be improved, especially for larger breeders, so we're completely redesigning the user experience, making it easier to search for ...
Show breeder weight over time
The weight records for kits are kept, but once the kit becomes a breeder or you do routine weigh ins on adults there is no report showing how the breeder weight ...
Genotype by breed
Not everyone is familiar with all naming conventions for all breeds. Being able to filter genotype by known breed would be helpful for new breeders who are trying to ...
Report on kits converted to breeders
There should be a report on how many weaners (kits) one has converted to breeders from ones own farm.
This could appear on the status of each breeder.
Ability to take a photo of a paper pedigree and have Everbreed scan the data and add it
Photo Pedegree Be able to take a picture of your rabbits pedigrees and have it automatically upload onto the app without having to manually type in each and every ...
Option to undo rabbit designated as breeder
From time to time we would designate a rabbit as a breeder in the litter section of Hutch. However sometimes for whatever reason we may want to undo that designation. ...
Highlight breeders without activity logged for x days
As a commercial rabbit farmer I would like to see Everbreed being able to highlight any Doe, and buck for that matter, that did not have any activities logged for a ...
Allow separate weight units for kits and breeders
There should be a separate option to set for weight units for breeders and litters. I would like to be able to set weight in lbs and oz for adults but to grams for ...
Strong/Weak Points & Auto Pairing
Two in one:
• Being able to organize your herd based on their strong/weak points. Users could create their own strong/weak point tabs to attach to their breeding ...
Ability to add and edit date of sale
A lot of times, I don't update a sold rabbit the day I sell it. This year, I didn't update until the end of the year.
As of right now, it automatically makes the ...
Create custom breeds
Allow users to generate custom default breeds and/or add breeds to their drop-down lists. I breed velveteen lops and have to manually type the breed on every animal. ...
Show colors along with genotype code.
It'd be nice to have the genotype color/variety for the prediction list. I understand that not every breed conforms to the same naming scheme for colors, but we all ...
Create a section to record more details for each rabbit
Ie, broken, fur quality, temperament, health, eye color, feet, body type etc...
You can use the notes for this, but I'd like something like Push buttons rather than ...
Weaned report
Tracking of doe litter weight at weaning. The idea here is to correlate the kit size (number of kits) to weight ratio for the doe at the time of weaning.
This would ...
Being able to print all pedigrees at once
Would like to be able to print out ALL pedigrees for Breeders, an option at the top. Also for litters, being able to print out an entire litters pedigrees from an ...
Print list of working does
Would like to be able to print out a list of does so I can walk through the barn and check them off as you treat for mites or give vaccines.
Nickname option
I would really like a nickname option to my rabbits info. All of my rabbits have an armslenght of a name, and it gets frustrating to go through all steps in handling ...
Improve breed chain logic for when does don't take
I palpate my does to see if they took around 2 weeks. If a doe doesn't take, I rebreed her then. My issue is when I've considered a doe "bred" but she didn't take, ...
Breeder Weight Reporting Chart
It would be very beneficial to see a growth chart for breeders. Currently, we must look at each breeder weights individually, which is cumbersome. If moving a kit ...
Add more color card options for pedigrees and breeders page
I would like to see more color options added for pedigrees and the breeders page. I suggest it to be where you can select a color for bucks and another color for ...
Add Grooming as a Task and Wool Weight
Angoras need to be groomed every 90 days
View bucks bred to does
It would be nice to see what buck was bred to what doe on the does profile. It already shows she is bred on her profile, knowing who she was bred to in important info ...
Order birth date menu by date sending
On the dashboard, when clicking Birth, can the listing of births to record be ordered by date in ascending order. Currently it is a random order and dates are mixed ...
Display offspring of a rabbit
For an active or inactive rabbit, have a tab for offspring or include it on the litter tab. A list of offspring is desirable for replicating bloodlines. For example, ...
Autofill next generations of Pedigrees when repeat rabbit used
I thought this was already supposed to be a function, but if it is, it never works for me. When filling out a pedigree for a new rabbit, if there's a duplicate rabbit ...
Sort females by bred or not
Be able to filter doe rabbits by who is avalible to breed and have a tab of days since last bred/ last litter
Ability to set goals
This would correlate with reports. People could set an amount of meat they want to produce in a year, a number of kits they'd like to see born, or get their breeder ...
Pregnancy stats
Other then the heart by the does name there is no other information on her pregnancy other then the tasks. There should be a section that lets you have more ...
Tattoo List
Please create a list of used tattoos so that new ones can be created similar but not reused.
Allow duplicate ear numbers
Can you PLEASE change it so that duplicate ear numbers are allowed?
I need to be able to add these new breeders in without deleting all the info for the old ones! ...
unborn litters
it would be great to be able to see all the litters still "in the oven" in one spot
Search by buyer
It would be nice if we could add who we sold an ear # to so that when a repeat buyer contacts for lost pedigree for a kit would make searching easier by their name. ...
Profile customization
Desktop\Mobile app - the ability to choose which fields are displayed by default. As a meat farmer I don't need nor track the Reg #, Champ # Legs info for example.
Instant entering of Pedigree
Make it where you can take a photo of pedigree and it enters info automatically from the picture. So you don’t have to enter each one. It auto populates for you from ...
Feed per pound tracking report
I would love a report that you could enter your feed usage by the pound and you can see when your feed usage went up and how many grow outs you had at the time
Show whether a doe has been bred on breeders list
I would like there to be an option to be displayed on the breeder list whether the doe has been bred or show the bred date
Top Breeders display
On the top breeders display would you consider:
1. Allowing the sorting by Bucks and Does
2. Displaying more than the top 5 breeders
Bulk Category Change
It would be great to be able to go into a category and select the rabbits we want in the category instead of having to go into each individual rabbit
Set default value of "Show Rows" drop down
It would be really useful to be able to set a default number of rows to dislay in each of the "Breeders", "Litters" and Schedule" screens. The current default setting ...
Create entry cards and show entries
Would love to have the ability to generate the labels for remark cards, and show entry forms/reports. This would also enable the ability to help with updating the ...
Being able to add litters without a buck selected?
I've bought does at auction who where bred when I got them with no info on sire. Or if I've just totally forgot who a doe was bred to. Or like if a doe kindled and I ...
Ability to open litter and breeder profiles in new tabs on desktop
It would be really nice to be able to open breeders and litters in new tabs on desktop. I often edit or check/compare information on many litters or breeders at once, ...