New Gene Additions (P, Si)
I'd love for there to be a place to record the P (Lutino) gene. It seems like others would benefit from having the Si (I know this may be hard because it is not fully understood) gene as well. Would it be a hassle to do this because it shows up on the pedigrees? Could it be turned off for pedigrees and just left as notes for the rabbitry? Or maybe you could give the user the ability to add our own genetic code options?
Comments: 21
09 Feb, '21
Christi ClydePlease consider adding WE for White Ear as well
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31 Mar, '21
JoAnn Radke MergedHolland lop section add BEW (blue eyed white) the genotype does not off BEW blue eyed white only red eyed white it would also be nice to add magpies I know that the magpies and are not showable but it helps with trying to figure out genotype’s especially when breeding it would also be nice to add WE which is the new white ear Holland’s and genotype is very particular.
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31 Mar, '21
Brieanna Admin"Holland lop section add BEW (blue eyed white)" (suggested by JoAnn Radke on 2021-03-31), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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17 Apr, '21
Still Waters RabbitryI raise Silver Fox Rabbits and adding the si gene would be beneficial for me as well.
Si – no effect
si – silvered, three different silvering genes: s1, s2, and s3 -
18 May, '21
AndreaFor New Zealand- adding red and broken red
For dwarf hotot- black banded and Blue banded -
27 Aug, '21
Brianne MergedFor those of us raising Silvers, Argents, etc, we need the gene represented in the phenotyping please.
27 Aug, '21
BrianneYes please, Si, P, BEW color variety, etc
28 Sep, '21
Brieanna Admin MergedFor anyone curious
Black stripes on white (cchd strips yellow pigmentation making orange into white)Blue magpie A_B_cchd_ddej_
Blue stripesChocolate magpie A_bbcchd_D_ej_
Chocolate stripesLilac magpie A_bbcchd_ddej_
Lilac stripes
Since these colors are not in the drop-down list currently, you can manually add them on to the rabbit in the genetics area of the settings window for the rabbit. -
19 Jan, '22
Natasha Spudville MergedPlease add this!! It would be extremely helpful when cross breeding rabbits with the si gene!
15 Mar, '22
Brieanna Admin MergedThe broken genetic can be classified by the En genetics field at the back of the genetic code area. Broken needs to be added manually as well as wideband, Vienna mark, and Dutch
Thank you for the suggestions on these additional colors. -
05 Aug, '22
Jessica MergedI've noticed that there is an option for chocolate, blue, lilac sallander, but not black. Can this be added? Thank you.
20 Sep, '22
RachaelFor the Flemish Giants you're missing a whole breed color. They have Fawn and White but no Blue, Black, Sandy, Steel
15 Dec, '22
Angela SemerlingMissing broken gene for English angora as well as blue eyed white and red eyed white
22 Dec, '22
Amanda Smith MergedWe are breeding Silver Fox rabbits.
We need this genotype notation ability to be included the program, as other breeding software companies do. -
28 Dec, '22
Madi Gonzalez MergedFrom my understanding of the Silver Gene (Si) you have the gene its self and modifiers. The gene its self is an incomplete recessive
Sisi heterozygote rabbits will have white hairs in their coat
Homozygous sisi rabbits will develop a silver colored coat
But as we get into the modifications it gets more complicated as the si gene comes in si1 si2 and si3
si1 si2 -, found in Silver and Silver Fox rabbits – si1si1 si1si2 si2si2 (the higher the numbers the more silvering you will see. That being said it is hard to go by guess and more research is needed to identify a SF rabbits modifier by looks alone.
si3 – commonly found in Champagne D’ Argent Rabbits and they carry 2 copies of the gene – si3si3 -
28 Dec, '22
Brieanna Admin Merged"Silvering Gene to the colors please!" (suggested by Brianne Orr on 2022-12-15), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
09 Jan, '23
Ximena Admin"Please add the silvering gene to phenotyping - Sisi" (suggested by Brianne on 2021-08-27), including upvotes (9) and comments (4), was merged into this suggestion.
26 Jan, '23
Ximena Admin Merged"Black Based Sallander Option in Genotype" (suggested by Jessica on 2022-08-05), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
03 Apr, '23
Everbreed Admin Admin"add genotype for magpies" (suggested by Alicia Milette on 2021-09-28), including upvotes (6) and comments (1), was merged into this suggestion.
03 Apr, '23
Everbreed Admin Admin"Add Genotype for Magpie, Sallander, and Sable Combos" (suggested by Jessica on 2022-03-09), including upvotes (5) and comments (3), was merged into this suggestion.
13 Apr, '24
Alivia blockIf you enter vv in the V series, that is the genotype for BEW. magpie is Ej _ in the E series. broken is ENen and solid is enen, charlie is ENEN in the en series.
there's your genetic lesson for the day!