Autofill next generations of Pedigrees when repeat rabbit used

5 votes

I thought this was already supposed to be a function, but if it is, it never works for me. When filling out a pedigree for a new rabbit, if there's a duplicate rabbit that has been in other pedigrees before, it would be nice if it would autofill the rest of the generations behind that rabbit. I still have to enter them all manually even though the system recognized that they've been used before (these "repeat rabbits" are not breeders in my program and I don't want them to have to be entered as such and archived in order to have the pedigree autofill when they pop up on pedigrees again, it should be automatic when the repeat rabbit is selected).

Under consideration Breeders Pedigrees Suggested by: Samantha Upvoted: 12 Feb Comments: 1

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