Let us know what you'd like to see in Everbreed...

Enter your ideas here, and vote for suggestions that other Everbreed members have made. Please be sure to add the reason why you need the feature, and if you can give an example of why you need it, all the better. This area is specifically for Everbreed features and improvements. If you have a customer support request, please visit our Support Portal.

Ability to set goals

This would correlate with reports. People could set an amount of meat they want to produce in a year, a number of kits they'd like to see born, or get their breeder ...
Suggested by: Hailey Richardson (16 Mar, '22) Upvoted: 29 Mar, '24 Comments: 1

Top Breeders display

On the top breeders display would you consider: 1. Allowing the sorting by Bucks and Does 2. Displaying more than the top 5 breeders
Suggested by: Mathenge (03 Oct, '22) Upvoted: 24 Jul, '24 Comments: 0
Under consideration Breeders Dashboard

Viewing settings.

I would love for there to be an option in settings to set and save if we want to view our rabbits as tiles or lists without having to mess with it every time we log ...
Suggested by: Marah (20 Oct, '22) Upvoted: 18 Mar, '24 Comments: 0
Under consideration Community Dashboard

Ability to remove or update the task schedule screen from Dashboard

Would it be possible to allow changes to the width of the task schedule screen. Some of my tasks descriptions are not showing because of the litter name. Examples, ...
Suggested by: Still Waters Rabbitry (28 Jan, '22) Upvoted: 06 Mar, '22 Comments: 1

Remove the blog from the dashboard

I'm paying a lot of money for this program. I do not want your blog on my dashboard. That is something I expect from a free app, not a paid app.
Suggested by: Tiffany (17 Aug, '22) Upvoted: 17 Aug, '22 Comments: 2
Under consideration Dashboard

Pregnancy Check

Great Idea that with the "not pregnant" option the app asks if I would like to delete the nesting and birth! i would highly recommend an additional option to plan ...
Suggested by: Ziad (10 Aug, '23) Upvoted: 10 Aug, '23 Comments: 0
Under consideration Breeders Dashboard