Let us know what you'd like to see in Everbreed...
Enter your ideas here, and vote for suggestions that other Everbreed members have made.
Please be sure to add the reason why you need the feature, and if you can give an example of why you need it, all the better.
This area is specifically for Everbreed features and improvements. If you have a customer support request, please visit our Support Portal.
Ability to edit rabbits that are Culled/Sold/Died without "unselling/unculling" them
I'd like to be able to still edit rabbits that are dead/culled/sold. There's times I like to update genotypes still based on offspring born after a buck died for ...
Show breeder weight over time
The weight records for kits are kept, but once the kit becomes a breeder or you do routine weigh ins on adults there is no report showing how the breeder weight ...
Add an option to allow Reoccurring costs for Ledger entries
Can we please have placing in reoccurring Ledger entries. For example if every month you are spend on feeds, we can just enter it once and place on reoccurring and ...
Report on kits converted to breeders
There should be a report on how many weaners (kits) one has converted to breeders from ones own farm.
This could appear on the status of each breeder.
Update Reports Section
The reports section used to be one of my very favorites, but now that i have so many breeders it is essentially useless to me. See photo, I have 51 active does and I ...
Highlight breeders without activity logged for x days
As a commercial rabbit farmer I would like to see Everbreed being able to highlight any Doe, and buck for that matter, that did not have any activities logged for a ...
Allow separate weight units for kits and breeders
There should be a separate option to set for weight units for breeders and litters. I would like to be able to set weight in lbs and oz for adults but to grams for ...
Strong/Weak Points & Auto Pairing
Two in one:
• Being able to organize your herd based on their strong/weak points. Users could create their own strong/weak point tabs to attach to their breeding ...
Create custom breeds
Allow users to generate custom default breeds and/or add breeds to their drop-down lists. I breed velveteen lops and have to manually type the breed on every animal. ...
Add option for ear length and date of birth for all in the pedigree settings
It would be really nice to be able to have ear length and date of birth (DOB) options in pedigree settings to apply to all the rabbits in the pedigree, like where ...
butcher Value calculator
First of all i love everbreed so far, it has improved the speed and quality of my record keeping by 1000%. I did come to the conclusion while entering butcher ...
Weaned report
Tracking of doe litter weight at weaning. The idea here is to correlate the kit size (number of kits) to weight ratio for the doe at the time of weaning.
This would ...
Breeder Weight Reporting Chart
It would be very beneficial to see a growth chart for breeders. Currently, we must look at each breeder weights individually, which is cumbersome. If moving a kit ...
View bucks bred to does
It would be nice to see what buck was bred to what doe on the does profile. It already shows she is bred on her profile, knowing who she was bred to in important info ...
Sort females by bred or not
Be able to filter doe rabbits by who is avalible to breed and have a tab of days since last bred/ last litter
unborn litters
it would be great to be able to see all the litters still "in the oven" in one spot
Feed per pound tracking report
I would love a report that you could enter your feed usage by the pound and you can see when your feed usage went up and how many grow outs you had at the time
Improve Production Graph
Can you update the production graph so that it does not only show production according to litter weights. I would like to be able to toggle it between litter ...
In the litter list, have option for a column showing only ALIVE # of kits in each litter
The current litter list view has the category # of kits, but the count includes total kits born, even DOA ones or ones that died somewhere along the way. It would be ...
Breeding History Report
It would be helpful to have report that shows breeding history – all or by rabbit. The current reports show number of misses but it doesn’t allow me to drill down to ...
Show Results Data Feed
Would be good to have a show results data field under each rabbit
Add evaluation option
I want to be able to leave a county fair and tick boxes of common rabbit issues or structure seen. Shoulders to narrow, to wide, just right. I want it fast as judge ...
Live counter of app user data
Would be cool to see on the website and in the app live stats for how many registered users, litters born, and kits have been logged in the Everbreed databases. I ...
Wool production metric
Allow those also producing wool rabbits to enter harvested wool weights to keep track of production for sales and future breeding.
Improved Foster statistics - show Fostered vs Birth kits
I Sync my breeding in a way to have several females give birth on the same day, some give birth to 4, others to 8. I often have to foster 1 or 2 kits to have an equal ...
Editable Goal Weight Auto Highlight option
I would love to see a function that we can edit and set that will automatically highlight goal weights in kits at weigh ins. 5 pounds at 12 weeks for example; if I ...
view offspring of a brood doe or buck
Ability to click on a brood doe (buck) and view the breeders that the rabbit produced. For example, when retiring a brood doe, I view the number of breeders that the ...
Add information tabs to litter kit for pedigree and sales information
I routinely have to go back to a prior rabbit sale and send pedigree links to buyers. I would like to see a sales or information tab for a rabbit sold from a litter. ...
Currency - From the Caribbean
I am from Barbados it would be nice if there was an option for Bds instead of having to used US dollars.
production graph
Instead of only seeing the entire litter weight of active litters, on the production graph it would be very useful to see the average kit weight of active litters also
Add live and dead kits columns to breeder list
On the breeder page could you add columns for:
1. Live kits
2. Dead kits
To assist in displaying breeder performance by number of live/dead kits
Stand alone Weight Button
Would love to be able to add weights easily without having to click "edit" and then go to the weight tab. It should be it's own tab/table to add weights easier and ...
Birthdays on Schedule/Calendar
Would be cool to get a reminder of a rabbits birthday. Should show rabbits birthdays on the calendar/schedule. and maybe have the ability to toggle this on and off ...
Option for QR Code to cage instead of individual animal.
Option setting for QR Code to cage instead of individual animal.
Moving animals cage to cage becomes problematic for larger rabbity operations. An option to ...
Edit and delete cause of death reports
The cause of death reasoning can only be added, never edited or deleted. For example, if there are duplicate entries for the same thing such as an entry saying "runt" ...
Reverse Pedigree
I would love to be able to select a rabbit and be able to see all the off spring they have produced so that I can judge what colors I am going to possibly produce ...